Does outside air quality affect the performance of the air conditioning unit running indoors?

What happens if I let the aircon run while the air quality outside is bad?

Default Asked on September 25, 2021 in Science & Technology.
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Outdoor air quality won’t necessarily affect the performance of an air conditioning unit that’s running indoors. In other words, you can let the aircon run indoors regardless of the air quality outside. 

To understand this better it helps to know some basics about air conditioning systems. There are two main parts to an air conditioning system, the outdoor unit, and the indoor unit. Contrary to what some people think that a ducted air conditioning system gets air from the outside and turn it into cold air to keep the inside of your house cool, what happens is that within the system is a complex network that draws air into the unit and through a series of steps and processes, that air is then dispersed through the vents. The filters in the unit contribute greatly to keeping the air quality clean and this is also the reason why aircon filters need to be replaced regularly. 

An example of an air conditioning unit that does an efficient job at keeping indoor air clean is the ActronAir Serene Series 2. What’s so great about this is that it has a self-clean mode. It features an indoor unit that is capable of cleaning itself with a four-stage cycle that reduces dust buildup and mould growth. This unit is also equipped with a high-density filter that is capable of getting rid of up to 80 percent of dust and pollen in the air. 

The quality of indoor air is crucial in ensuring the health and safety of your family. An additional thing you can do to improve air quality inside the home is to keep your house clean. Sure, the filters of your air conditioning unit can effectively clean the air, but they will not be as effective if your house is not clean. To know more about how a ducted air conditioning system can benefit your home’s air quality, visit today.

Default Answered on September 25, 2021.
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