RE: Can any 1 suggest Me best restaurants in Melbourne??

After a lot of deliberation, experimentation and research, the team of food-lovers here at has created a comprehensive list of the best eateries in the area

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2 Answers

Hi Michaleeric1

Thanks for your questions. Here I have tried to give your Answer.  After a lot of deliberation, experimentation and research I have come to know that this following restaurants are best in Melbourne.

It’s the restaurant serving marshmallows and aphid honey whose worldwide reputation is growing. Attica is the little restaurant that could, in the little suburb that you wouldn’t expect (Ripponlea’s only other claim to fame is a rabbinical school) headed up by one Ben Shewry – the New Zealand chef famed for surfing, foraging and crying, to whom tricks and gimmicks are anathema and sustainability is innate philosophy.
But what’s the big deal and why should you go?

The Press Club
After a year in hibernation, the Press Club has downsized, moved digs and returned as a smarter, flashier, first class restaurant

Rockpool Bar & Grill
If restaurant years could be measured like dog years, Rockpool would have settled into a comfortable if unexciting middle age, more ‘nice’ than ‘knockout’. But not only has Neil Perry’s clubbish, masculine steak den seen off so many other restaurants that once glittered on the Crown promenade before fading away, it has maintained – even surpassed – the standards that sent the town a-twitter when it opened in 2007.

Flower Drum
A decade is a long time in restaurant years – especially in Melbourne, land of the fickle diner. So what is it about this high-end Cantonese restaurant that’s kept it kicking strong through 38 years, two recessions, the digital age and a plague of screechers decreeing the death of fine dining?

there are many more famous restaurants  in Melbourne. Hope you have get your answers. Thanks

Brong Answered on July 13, 2016.
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