RE: Can anyone tell me different between guest post and forum posting?

Can anyone tell me different between guest post and forum posting?

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3 Answers

Blog commenting is a fundamental procedure for communication between online journals, bloggers and blog readers. It is an activity wherein guests or blog readers leave a remark to a blog entry or article, answer to readers’ remarks, or the author himself answers or replies to guests inquiries and remarks. Blog commenting is a decent methodology to exchange thoughts and opinions about certain topic composed as a blog entry.

Forum Posting essentially implies posting new threads or answering to old ones in discussions with a specific end goal to get quality inbound connects or links to a site. In the event that Forum Posting is done the correct way then it can drive focused i.e. targeted traffic to a website.

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Default Answered on July 6, 2018.

Your answer was wrong. I think you did not understand the question. You should understand the question before answering any question properly.

This questions was – different between guest post and forum posting.
But your answer is about Blog commenting and forum posting.

You know that guest post and Blog commenting are not same thing.

So be careful for next question.

on July 6, 2018.
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