RE: How will you support ISO 45001 certification?

To make an informed decision, it is essential to assess what the steps are for becoming certified and how involved your ISO consultant will be in the process. It is similar to any other certification standards, IAS can help you in clearing your doubts, upgrading Changing over from existing certification OHSAS 18001 standards / obtain a fresh ISO 45001 certification.

ircatraining Default Asked on August 4, 2020 in Businesses.
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1 Answers

The ISO 45001 Certification is proof of the organizations that have well-designed Occupational Health and Safety Management system. This certification is applicable to all the organizations, from small to large companies. Also, the ISO 45001 Certification improves the competency that lets the organization stand out from other competitors.

Default Answered on August 31, 2020.
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