RE: What are some good vacation ideas for family bonding?

What are some good vacation ideas for family bonding?

Couple Resting in the Field

Gwendolyn Roberge Default Asked on September 15, 2021 in Travel.
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1 Answers

I recommend camping. It’s what my dad did with us when we were kids, and it’s what I do with my wife. My dad was always fond of staying comfortable while out in the woods, a couple of times he even packed a TV and a small generator, so I’m keeping up the same tradition. My wife and I spend time with nature, yes, but we also rent a campervan for the trip so we can cook and enjoy other creature comforts while surrounded by nature. If you haven’t heard of campervans, you should check the website of a company that handles campervan hire Kent.

If camping isn’t an option, I recommend something else that gets all of you out of the house for a while. A change of pace and change of routine can help bring people together, and being out and about lets your family learn more about each other. Just make sure to account for the needs and preferences of your family when making plans; cranky relatives will not be eager to bond.

Default Answered on September 17, 2021.
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