RE: What id Difference between IOS and Android?

What id Difference between IOS and Android?

ishachopra Default Asked on February 12, 2018 in Science & Technology.
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3 Answers

Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are operating systems used primarily in mobile technology, such as smartphones and tablets. Android, which is Linux-based and partly open source, is more PC-like than iOS, in that its interface and basic features are generally more customization from top to bottom. However, iOS’ uniform design elements are sometimes seen as being more user-friendly.

You should choose your smartphone and tablet systems carefully, as switching from iOS to Android or vice versa will require you to buy apps again in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Android is now the world’s most commonly used smartphone platform and is used by many different phone manufacturers. iOS is only used on Apple devices, such as the iPhone.

Default Answered on May 30, 2018.
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