RE: What is quotes?
I have seen many quotes. I understand, what is quotes but I don’t know the definition of quotes. Now I want to know,
What is quotes?
and where shall I get quotes?
could you help me please?
Thanks for your questions. According to oxford dictionary, Quote is –
repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.
Example: – he quoted a passage from the Psalms.
Where will you find quotes?
Answers: Actually quotes is not one kind and it is very difficult to find all kinds of quotes in a place. You may get different kinds of in different places.
I know a websites name where you can get all kinds of top famous quotes collections. That websites name is – Auto Quotes.
address is –
Thank you very much for your questions.

Thanks for your answers of my questions.
You are most welcome. It’s my pleasure.