RE: What the rate of Google home speaker quality for listening to music?

Hello friends,

Tell me guys about google home or there speaker quality for listening music. After google home  purchase  additional need to buy speaker.

Please give me any answer.

roselynlopez Default Asked on April 18, 2018 in Electronics.
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1 Answers

One of the first things you should do with your Google Home speaker is set the default music service. To change this, open the Google Home app on your iPhone or Android device, tap the three-line hamburger button in the top left to expand the side menu and select Music from the list. Next, link your accounts if needed and tap the radio button beside the primary service you want to use.

After setting a default service, you can still use the other services by clarifying which one you want to use at the end of your commands. Just say, “OK Google, play Fleet Foxes on Spotify,” for example, or, “OK Google, play Brand New on Google Play Music.”

Google Home Support ! Google Home Help ! Google Home Setup !

Default Answered on April 19, 2018.
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