Hi, in this short article I am going to write about some questions that you can easily ask a Guy or Girl over Text. Actually, these best questions to ask a guy or girl over text are really amazing because chatting with someone over text is a little bit different from talking with them in person. So a plenty of discussion on questions only doesn’t quite work in a medium at all. That also begs for short responses. No long detailed stories at the same time. Moreover, this is nothing too deep or heavy. You should forget anything too sensitively loaded if you are not an emoji master. So I have collected this list of questions that really work a lot better with a phone in hand and also access to the internet. There are lots of short back and forth answers which are pretty light. Moreover, the questions that focus the conversation on something which can be easily shared while Texting, like photos and videos etc. If you are stuck imagining the questions to ask a guy or girl over text or you just need some ideas to build on we’ve got you covered. Take a look and enjoy! I’m sure you’ll find some of them really useful!
Best Questions to ask a guy or girl over text list
Question 1: “Where is your beloved place to get take away or delivery from?”
If you really know the place and love it, you can talk about how well it is. If you never know it, you have to give it a shot and you will also have something to talk about next time you text them at the same time.
Question 2: “What is your “go to” video or Gif for a laugh?”
This is a great way to earn a good laugh and have something ordinary to talk about, both now and in the upcoming event. Also, you will get to see how much their sense of humor matches yours at all. If you have got some great funny videos tucked away, you can simply share some of them.
Question 3: “What kind of song do you play most often?”
This is a great question for getting to know their musical taste and showing how well it matches up with your own. Moreover, everyone is passionate about the music they like and chances are they will be more than happy to talk a lot about this.
Question 4: “What can be your “go to” joke?”
You need to know that, everyone really loves to laugh, and everyone also has at least one joke they try to know by heart. And you will also be able to say them a few jokes as well. If you are really like me and forget many jokes, try the jokes subreddit at all. You have to sort it by top/month or week.
Question 5: “Which is your favorite quote from a movie?”
This is a question which begs for back and forth movie quotes from their and your preferred movies. At the same time, this is really easy to branch off and start talking about what movies they actually like.
Question 6: “”What song should have the best intro?”
This is another question that works well on a phone because after they will let you know you can notice it on your phone and have a listen. Then will return and also tell them what you actually thought about it.
Question 7: “What’s the funniest text you have gotten?”
Actually, this is not a good one to lead with, but it is really great after you have texted for a bit and also need something else to talk about.
Question 8: “What is the scariest on the disqualified item you could take on to a plane?”
This can be a creative one. But it is great for some back and forth as you both think of scary not granted items. (e.g. voodoo doll in pilot uniform, full clown outfit, parachute, etc.)
Question 9: “What is your favorite meme?”
Everybody has at least one meme which they really like. You can easily find out their’s, who actually know’s maybe it will be the same as yours. However, this is also a great way to get a discussion going solely through memes which are really funny.
Question 10: “What is the most amazing thing you have on you or near you right now?
This is a unique way to find a new topic to talk about at all. You will also get an idea of what kinds of things they find amusing.
Question 11: “How many questions can you answer in just pictures?
This one is really more of a game. You ask in general, generic questions and they will try to answer only through photos. You have to quite fun if they are up to it. It is also like a treasure hunt. But I possibly would not lead with this one, actually, this is good for later and if they are in a humorous mood.
Question 12: “What app on your smart phone do you think I should get?”
This type of depends on how into apps they are at all. But everybody has two or three apps that they can not live without it. If you have got the one they recommend, then you can really talk about what you think about it. If you never, well now you will have got a new app you can check them out.
Question 13: “What should be the worst text that you accidentally sent?”
You should know that embarrassment is a powerful emotion and if they have got a story they are very interested to share then that will bring you both a little closer at the same time. It is really great to empathize with them and if it becomes too bad you can do some good natured teasing at the same time.
Question 14: “What’s the best photo you’ve taken?”
You need time to give them the chance to show off at all. We actually have all got pictures that we’ve already taken that we really love. Now you get to praise them on their pride and joy. This will be definitely a solid question to ask a girl or guy over text at the same time.
Question 15: “What thing do you actually wish you could buy right now?”
This is a great question because they can only send you a link to the product they really want and you can check it out. Now you will have got something to talk about that they are truly into it.
Question 16: “What’s the funniest picture you have on your phone?”
This is similar to earlier video question, and also great for the same reason. It provides you something you can both talk about. You could also contract it down and say the funniest photos of you on your phone.
Question 17: “What will be the funniest thing that someone could spend more money on / buy online at the same time?”
This is really similar to the above question because they can only send you the link, but this one really takes a little more imagination. This one often leads to a hilarious stream of funny products and services at the same time.
Question 18: “What are some unwritten rules?”
This one is really different than the rest. You could generally take it in a couple of directions, like the unwritten rules between your friends or you could go with society independently.
Question 19: “What dumb pickup lines do you really know?”
Everybody knows some dumb/funny pickup lines. This question can be a great way to get a good back and forth of funny pickup appearance going at all.
Question 20: “What happens in our life but rarely gets portrayed in movies?”
Here is another question which might take a little bit of creativity. You can simply flip it around and ask what really happens in movies all the time but infrequently happens in real life at all.
I think you have got the clear idea about this article. I hope you will try these best questions to ask a guy or girl over text in your daily life and personal conversations. If you like this article, please share it with your friends. Thank you very much. Hopefully, you will found it at least a few questions that will really work for you.
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