Yet with a few lines of code, it is possible to optimise the weight of our files without plugin. For example, to reduce the weight of HTML files from a WordPress theme, copy the following code in the functions.php file at the root of your theme:
add_action('get_header', 'gkp_html_minify_start'); function gkp_html_minify_start() { ob_start( 'gkp_html_minyfy_finish' ); } function gkp_html_minyfy_finish( $html ) { // Suppression des commentaires HTML, // sauf les commentaires conditionnels pour IE $html = preg_replace('/<!--(?!s*(?:[if [^]]+]|!|>))(?:(?!-->).)*-->/s', '', $html); // Suppression des espaces vides $html = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), '', $html); while ( stristr($html, ' ')) $html = str_replace(' ', ' ', $html); return $html; }
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Thanks for your questions. I think this questions ” How can I make use of Google’s Project Tango to my research? ” is very important for all like yours.Here I’m trying to give your answers in brief.
The depth camera present on the Tango device doesn’t work outdoors, and anyways even the passive camera has the wrong field-of-view for autonomous driving applications. For road scenes you typically need a wide horizontal for whereas coverage in the vertical direction doesn’t matter much. On the other hand, for indoor environments for which Tango is designed the images are usually near square.So you should instead be looking at some open-source passive SLAM code such as ORB-SLAM. I believe the latest version even works for a stereo camera pair and should be really usable.
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Thanks you very much for your answers, But I’m not clear from your answers. Please write in details.
Thanks again.- 13632 views
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Thanks for your questions. I think this questions “What happens when you send food back at a restaurant?” is very important for all like yours.
Here I’m trying to give your answers in brief.It depends. If it hit the table and the customer touched it – like for example, the customer took a bite and then said, “I don’t think this is what I ordered.” – it will be thrown away. On the other hand, if the server went to put it down on the table and the customer say, “That’s not what I ordered,” and the server says, “Oh gee, you’re right, I’ll run right back and get you what you asked for… Well, then I’m not going to send it back out to a table, because that would be wrong, but there’s nothing wrong with the food, so I usually give it to the dishwasher, if he/she wants it. Otherwise, there’s a table in the kitchen were staff meal goes, and I’ll put it on there. Someone will eat it, sometimes the whole crew will peck at it over a period of an hour or so, and then what’s left gets tossed.
The same is true for something like an overcooked steak. Yea, we don’t like overcooked steak in kitchens, but we like it a lot more than no steak at all. Steak is expensive, so if a steak goes up in the pass and I can see it’s overcooked, I’ll tell the cook to refire a new steak, and to cook it properly this time. The overcooked steak will be held back, and I’ll see if I can find a place to sell it. Maybe there’s a ticket that’s just come through calling for a steak cooked more than the first customer had requested. In that case, I’ll sell the steak that is overcooked to the new customer who will consider it perfect. There’s only so long I can hold it though, as eventually it’s going to either get cold – if not under a heat lamp – or over cooked – it is under a heat lamp. When the window closes to sell the steak I give it to the dishwasher. The dishwasher always wants steak.
If the dish is sent back because the guest didn’t like it, I make them something else. ONCE! I understand that sometimes people don’t like things, because it’s just not to their liking, but I’m not going to cook dish after dish because someone can’t choose what the hell they like. One time I had a seafood pasta dish come back because the guest said it had a bad taste. It was clearly on the menu that the dish contained saffron. I offered to make something else, but she wanted the same thing prepared again, and this time, “Cooked properly.” Well, OK. I made it again, this time doing it myself, and she didn’t like it. I asked if she disliked saffron, she said she didn’t know what it was, but she was sure my seafood was spoiled! (Oh no you didn’t!!!!!! ) So I brought the tin of saffron out for her to smell, and then she agreed that was what she didn’t like. Then she began to tell me how I was a bad chef for using that ingredient which “is disgusting!” Then she wanted the dish prepared again, without saffron. I declined. Yea, that was ten years ago, and I’m still talking shit about her while smoking in the alley.
Thanks for your questions. If you find this answers is useful for you then share with your friends on facebook, twitter and google plus. If you do not get your answer clearly then ask me again below or comment on my answers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me here.- 2430 views
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This answer accepted by Thomas Gray. on February 23, 2017 Earned 5 points.
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