Maryricketts's Profile



  • Default Asked on November 2, 2021 in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

    The first thing you want to do is promote your article.

    One way of promoting your article is by using a Press release service, as they will publish news to media outlets all over the country and promote it on their social networks, too.

    Another strategy you can use to increase website traffic without social media is by waiting for people to find and link to your articles organically through Google or other sources like Pinterest and LinkedIn. Search engines use algorithms called search engine optimization (SEO) which index web pages based upon relevance. Each time someone publishes content that mentions phrases from one of your articles unless you choose not-to cause every mention of them would then show up in a Google search or be indexed into its network that automatically shares with others.

    This happens when someone who is linking to your article includes one of your keywords in the link or even just mentions it somewhere within their post, making this another way of increasing website traffic without social media platforms.

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