I forgot my opera account password. How can I retrieve it?

I forgot my opera account password. How can I retrieve it?

Brong Asked on February 3, 2020 in Password Login.
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1 Answer(s)

If you’ve ever signed in to your Opera account on your computer, you can view your account password in Opera’s password manager. In your computer’s Opera browser:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Privacy & security.
  3. Under Autofill, click Passwords.
  4. Scroll down to, or search for, auth.opera.com to find your Opera account details.

You can also reset your password. Navigate to the Opera accounts homepage and click the Forgot password? link. We recommend that you verify your email address after registering for an account, just to be sure that we have your correct email address on record.

If you’ve forgotten your synchronization master passphrase, you will need to reset your sync data.

Silver Answered on February 4, 2020.
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