Is it hard to learn how to surf?

Is it hard to learn how to surf?

Free Group of People Carrying Surfboards Stock Photo

Default Asked on March 31, 2022 in Health & Fitness.
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1 Answer(s)

Not at all, at least not if you have an instructor. And having a basic level of fitness helps as well. While advanced surfing moves and boards can take years to understand and master, the basics of how to get on a board and catch a few waves are simple enough. You can get the gist of it in a day and you’ll be decent at it within a month with regular practice.

There are a few things you can do to make things easier for you. Chief among them is making sure you get a beginner-friendly board. You can ask around at your local surf shop Cornwall to see which boards they’d recommend for a beginner, or get one from a website like

The other thing you can do is make sure you give yourself enough time to learn and to work with a seasoned instructor. You may have a friend who knows how to surf and wants to teach, but being a surfer doesn’t give you teaching experience. An instructor will know how to talk you through common issues beginners run into.

Default Answered on April 2, 2022.
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