Amla is great for reversing premature grey hair thanks to its antioxidants and anti-aging qualities. Amla has the ability to help your hair grow darker and reverse discoloration. Vitamin C-rich amla oil helps to prevent premature greying of the hair. Hair follicles are exposed to free radicals as a result of continued high levels of pollution in our environment, which disrupts melanin production in the scalp, resulting in grey hair and alopecia. If you want to cure premature greying for hair then you should try Indus Valley Bio-Organic Amla Powder, it contains 100% Pure and organic amla without any added colours or preservatives and assures to be vegan and cruelty-free.
How to use
• To make a smooth thick paste, combine 2-3 tablespoons Bio-Organic Amla Powder with a few drops of argan oil.
• Over your hair, apply this paste.
• Keep it for 15 minutes
• Rinse off with normal water