Which password should I not used on my website for my security?

Hello Friends,
I Want to a list of a common password or worst Passwords List which is very easy to hack.

Which password should I not use on my website for my security?

Please help me as soon as possible.

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1 Answer(s)
Best answer

There are some common passwords list which you should not used on anywhere.

What is Common and Worst Passwords?
Worst Passwords is a list of password which most of the people are using that keyword are using as their password. 

I have collected a password list which most of the people have used before and lost their email and website. So I will request you, Please do not use this password. 

I am trying to write that password list below for you

* Your Name (Example: My name is Mohi Uddin So I can not use my name as my password [MohiUddin])
* Your date of Birth
* Your Mobile No or Mobile numbers last 6-8 digit
* Your Fathers / Mothers  / child’s/ wife / lover’s Name
* Email and password same
* Your username
* Your domain name

Common and Worst Numeric Passwords List (which you should not use)
* 1234
* 12345
* 123123
* 000000
* 12345678
* 1234567890
* 1234567
* 11223344
* 6644
* 2288
* 123321
* 11223344
* 1111111
* 555555
* 666666
* 7777777
* 88888888
* 654321

Common and Worst Numeric  and Alphabetic   Passwords List (which you should not use)
* abc123
* abcd1234
* ABCD1234
* 1234abcd
* pass1234
* aa123456
* Superman2231
* 18atcskd2w
* 1q2w3e4r
* 3rjs1la7qe
* Tafuna123
* 1q2w3e4r5t

Common and Worst Alphabetic  Passwords List (which you should not use)
* abcde
* pass
* Password
* WrongPassword
* CorrectPassword
* Wrong_Password
* qwerty
* Football
* login
* princess
* prince
* solo
* password1
* Iloveyou
* loveme
* breakheart
* waitforme
* access
* shadow
* money
* 1q2w3e4r5t
* Qwertyuiop
* Monkey
* Dragon
* qwertyuiop
* mynoob
* ilovekimora
* welcome
* superman
* michael
* ninja
* whatever
* Donald
* master
* hello
* charlie
* sunshine
* jesus
* qwertyuiop
* hottie
* freedom
* starwars
* flower
* baseball
* azerty

Thanks you very much for the questions.  I will request to all that if you know more easy, common and Worst password list, then write below.

Silver Answered on August 7, 2019.
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