Why Customer choose Orpiv Technologies Services?

Why Customer Choose Orpiv Technologies Services?

Default Asked on August 10, 2018 in Businesses.
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1 Answer(s)

In transacting with us, our esteemed customers stand to benefit honesty, partnership, commitment and unparalleled service that they can always depend on.

Using our software, customers running businesses can be able to keep track of their files, documents, schedules and deadlines and also allow businesses to organize all their information in an accessible manner.

We produce a varied range of trusted scrapping software, that can be utilised by our customers to obtain scraped data that they could use in either of the following ways:

  • Scrape products from retailer or manufacturer websites to show in their own website or provide specs/compare prices
  • Scrape business and administration profiles and their reviews so as to track online reputation
  • Scrape user profiles on social media networks for tracking the trend online reputation
  • Scrape all search engine results from any SEO tracking
  • Monitoring company pages on social media networks to gather information which is basically feedback of people pertaining to certain companies and their products
  • Scrape health physicians from their clinic websites to provide a catalogue of available doctors per specialization and region
  • Scrape job advertisements on various ATS (Application Tracking System) to create online directories or provide better targeted ads to their customers
  • Scrape reviews of different products from various retailers to help detect fraudulent reviews
  • Scrape news websites to apply manual/automatic curation and custom analysis with the aim of providing better targeted news to their audience


Default Answered on September 20, 2018.
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